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Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Refereed Conference Proceedings


My book, Invariants: a Generative Approach to Programming is now available as a open-source book. I thank my publisher, College Publications, for allowing me to post the book.

Non-refereed Papers

Non-refereed Conference Proceedings

  • Oztok, M., Zingaro, D. and Brett, C. The Relationship Between Social Presence and Social Capital in Online Learning Communities. In Proceedings of Global Conference on Technology, Innovation, Media & Education (Global TIME), 2012.
  • Zingaro, D. Peer Instruction: What, Why, How? In Proceedings of Global Conference on Technology, Innovation, Media & Education (Global TIME), 2012.
  • Zingaro, D. Experience Report: Peer Instruction in Remedial Computer Science. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications(Ed-Media), 2010. (presentation slides)

Conference Presentations


Invited Talks

  • Zingaro, D. Introduction to Pygame. Association for Computer Studies Educators (ACSE), 2011.
  • Zingaro, D. Peer Instruction in Computer Science. Guest lecture, University of Toronto CSC490 (Capstone Course in Computer Science Education), 2011.
  • Zingaro, D. Introduction to Python. Association for Computer Studies Educators (ACSE), 2010.

Other Stuff

  • Zingaro, D. Group Investigation: Theory and Practice. This is a course paper that I wrote a long time ago. At one point I removed it from this page because it's just a course paper, but somehow people kept finding it (how?) and citing it (thanks!). So it's back... but I can't bring myself to read it because I'm worried that the text has sharp edges. Or perhaps there are no edges at all due to circular arguments. I hope there is something good in this paper.

Alternate Formats

If you require any of the above in an alternate format, please use the email address on the main page to let me know.