Hi all, Following is some information on our marking and testing for the Lazy Exam portion of assignment 3. In your TA comments, you'll likely see a line of text that gives the Nose results for our testing, as a series of '.', 'f', and 'a' characters (the latter referring to "timeout"). We used the following test banks for testing: one_mc_one_tf.txt: contains one MC and one TF. The MC question's first answer is the correct answer, exposing solutions that treat the first answer differently than the rest and miss the '*'. one_mc.txt: contains one MC one_tf.txt: contains one TF questions.txt: (5 MC 4 TF) question bank from the website with ordering changed empty.txt: contains no questions one_mc_one_tf_one_choice.txt: contains one MC and one TF, where the MC has only one option. The tests run (in order) were: Using one_mc.txt: 1) 1 MC 1 TF 2) 2 MC,'A' MC, 1 MC, '+' TF, 'MMMMMM' TF, -1 TF, 2 TF, 1 TF (testing invalid inputs) 3) 1 MC 0 TF 4) 0 MC 1 TF 5) 0 MC 0 TF Using one_mc.txt: 6) 1 MC 0 TF Using one_tf.txt: 7) 0 MC 1 TF Using questions.txt: 8) 3 MC 3 TF 9) 3 MC 3 TF (repeated to test for randomized order) Using empty.txt: 10) 0 MC 0 TF Using one_mc_one_tf_one_choice.txt: 11) 1 MC 1 TF